We temporarily fixed the beams to each other, to hold them in place while we built up the wall between each of the joists.
Friday, 14 February 2025
Path repairs at Allan Bank and replacing a bridge in Windermere
Tuesday, 19 November 2024
Back repairing the footpath on Loughrigg Fell
Monday, 29 July 2024
Repairing the path on Glenridding Dodd
Due to the steepness of the path and its proximity to the road and housing, we installed some temporary fencing. This was to mitigate against the risk of any stones being dislodged and rolling down the hill during the helicopter operations and also whilst we work.
The path was incredibly rubbly and mobile, which had caused people to spread out over the path to try and find an easier descent. This had caused damage to the surrounding vegetation and was only going to worsen over time.
The photograph below shows the steepness of the path and the proximity of the houses. Photographs looking up the path tend to not portray the path's true steepness.
As each section is completed, we grass seed the spoil and add turfs next to the side of the paths when possible. Unfortunately due to the Bracken and Heather cover, there is very little turf available to be cut.
With this section of path completed, it's hoped that the Heather can spread in from both sides as it will no longer be damaged by trampling.
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Winter work around Great Langdale and Troutbeck Park
With the start of the new year, we were back down from our path repair work on the fells and getting stuck into some lower level work around the valleys.
Monday, 13 November 2023
Continuing our work up on Stone Arthur
After completing the repairs lower down the path on Stone Arthur, we commenced work up towards the summit.
Our work here was interspersed with days out around the Central and Eastern Lakes surveying the upland footpaths. During the surveys, we photographed damaged areas of path and graded the severity of the damage. This work will be used to set a benchmark on the state of the paths and will also help us identify priority work.
The section being repaired on Stone Arthur had started to get a lot worse over recent years and was being badly gullied out by the rain.