Our first job was to prepare for our work up on Gowbarrow that we'd started last year. Once again we needed to fly some materials to the work site, so we set about filling some bags with gravel with a little help from the Langdale & Grasmere ranger team.
Loading the bags with gravel
The day of the lift went pretty smoothly and we thankfully got all the materials flown to site.
Flying the materials on to Gowbarrow
Starting work
You can see in the photograph below that the path had previously been worked on, but some of this had started to fall out as the ground around it had eroded. The bits that had not been worked on have also deteriorated.
Bottom section before starting work
Rock had been flown to the site previously but we're also supplementing it with rock that had been used for previous repairs.
After a few days work
You can see in the following photograph how bad the path has become. There's a lot of loose rubble on the path and the bank to the left is badly eroded.
Mid-section before starting work
After just a few days work the path has already started to take shape.
Mid-section after being worked on
We're also working up at Esk Hause again this year, continuing to widen the path and improve the drainage.
Old path before repairs
It takes about two and a half hours to walk to and from the work site, plus there's also a time consuming drive on top of that, so this really eats into the time left for working. Because of this, we're being helped out by the North Lakes team this year, to help speed things along.
The North Lakes team lend a hand